A little while ago, I commissioned Catlione/Ren for one of her adorable chibi LipSync models. I haven’t used LipSync in a while, so there are a few glitches/mistakes in the demo video. But I plan to keep using the software and get used to it! Also, you can download Aiko’s LipSync (and any of Catlione’s other publicly distributed LipSync models) on the sidebar, and I’ve added my TypeWriter UST to the USTs page.
Doubutsune Zeny Release + Mazinger Z Theme UST
After almost 4 years, and with Yue’s help, I finally was able to fix up Wolfpoid’s Act2 and get it released for Zenywolf!
You can find the Mazinger Z Theme UST at the usual place~ please enjoy!
UST Updates!
Hey all! I updated the readme files in all my USTs, removed all karaokes, and moved everything from 4shared to Box!
I’ve been meaning to organize for a while, but since I got a strike on my 4shared account today for the mp3 of one of my “Melt” covers, I figured now was as good a time as any.
I also changed the karaoke links, seeing as Nicosound is defunct. Some links still lead to Nicovideo, but there are Nico rippers you can download that will make your life easier. All Piapro links, as usual, require a Piapro account. But Piapro is the safest, most reliable way of obtaining Vocaloid karaokes, direct from producers!
I’ll be posting a few videos this week, so please look forward to a few new USTs and such!
So I’ve taken the passwords off the Matryoshka and Mozaik Role USTs, mainly because with YouTube’s new message system, I can never tell if I have unread messages in my inbox. It’s become too difficult to keep track of.
My terms of use still apply to any and all of my USTs. If I see people abusing them, I will henceforth stop releasing USTs publicly and not bother with passwords at all.
So far I haven’t noticed this happening as much as it used to… so here’s hoping I won’t have to resort to that!
Nebula UST Revamp
Just fixed up my old Nebula UST from 2009! It was one of the first USTs I ever made, so it was in pretty bad shape, haha.
The download is on the USTs/MIDIs page as usual!
Aria on the Game Center – Kikyuune Aiko
I finished and posted one of those covers I mentioned in the last post! As usual, the USTs for this song can be found on my USTs + MIDIs page~