So the other day, I was alerted to a 404 error on the Google Drive embed on Aiko’s page. Turns out I’d accidentally deleted my voicebanks folder from Google Drive while doing some cleaning. Whoops!
All my voicebanks are back in Drive where they belong, accessible here.
I’m in the process of revamping the download pages for all VOXYZ voicebanks, starting with Aiko. Each download will now have a brief, basic raw-rendered sample (using moresampler) and banks will be hosted on both Google Drive and Aiko’s UTAU downloads page is fully updated to the new layout.
In addition, I went through Aiko’s banks and did some housekeeping. Changes include:
- dropping numbered versions for banks past ACT1-3 (frankly, they’re confusing and obsolete)
- re-otoing and re-aliasing all old banks prior to CVVC (because why not)
- removing outdated information from character.txt (though I left in the old art!)
- including the “Whistle” VB with her CVVC banks, rather than having it be standalone
- merging the “Omake” folder into CVVC EN since that’s what it originally was recorded for
Her CVVC banks also may have some minor oto tweaks that I’ve done over the years, so it may be beneficial to download the updates!
I’m also currently in the process of editing her Wiki pages and will make a tweet once that is done. Please bear with me!
Myst, There’s an issue with Hiboko’s VB: THE LINK DOESN’T WORK. All I get is a 404 error! And this happened EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!! Can You fix this? It would do everyone a MASSIVE favor~
Hey there! I’m not sure you’ll be able to see this reply, but you can access Chiyoko’s VB directly from my google drive here:
I’m currently revamping my site and should have the individual page issues fixed shortly!
Test comment!